Likes? american girl dolls, animal prints, barbie, beanie babies, betsey johnson, bratz, bobby jack, bubble yum, candy stores, charms, crayola crayons, disney channel movies, dolls and dollz, electropop, frutiger metro, girly retro tech/web, fairies, groovy chick, happy bunny, heels, hello kitty, holiday costumes, hoops and yoyo, hostess cupcakes, ice cream menus, ice skating, juicy couture, lalaloopsy, libby lu, liminal space, lip smackers, littlest pet shop, masking tape, mcdonalds toys, paul frank, perfume, phone cases, pinks and purples, pink wallpapers, plastic toys, purses, seals, shopkins, skelanimals, soda fountains, spottie dotti, stationary, steve madden, store bought birthday cakes, stuffed animals, tea parties, totally spies, trashy prom dresses, vintage recipes, webkinz, yankee candles
food? carrots, cheeseburgers with mayo, chili, chips & salsa, egg whites, enchiladas, french fries, garlic mashed potatoes, macaroons, pancakes, spaghettios, tacos, white rice
drinks? fruit punch, orange soda, dr pepper, cream soda, strawberry lemonade
colors? barbie pink, hot pink, plasticy kind of purple, pastel yellow
animals? black cats, bunnies, seals, cows, frogs, pandas
Dislikes? ableism, animal abuse, annoying voices, cal-arts style, eye contact, hot weather, marvel movies, mean people, minimalist web design, my dads car, peppers, porn, smell of beer, therapy speak