About Showmelove

Welp, it's been almost 2 years since I started this website. In the beginning, I had no idea how to code, nor basic website use whatsoever. I didn't even know how to keep my cheap stolen code from breaking half the time. But time, passion, and learning prevailed! I've always been in love with the old web, especially with the girly old web aesthetics. I'm still adding and editing, and probably always will be, but that's the fun! I'm especially in love with shrines and fanpages, and plan to make many. So look out!
I may switch to a personal domain in the future, but for now I am proudly hosted by Neocities.

Why did I make this site?

For fun, basically! I was originally inspired to make a site after stumbling across the homepages of the deep web, and long abandonded edgy neocities. Obviously my website doesn't show much of that. Either way, I'm really glad I joined the coding community! editing and tinkering is super fun fun! I love to customize, gliterize, and pinkify all things in my life, so of course that would include my site.

Why showmelove?

Show me love is named after a t.A.T.u song!

Why Neocities?

Well, there's so many free web hosters, weebly, wordpress, wix, etc. The difference is that those don't allow for full creative control nor do they offer the same spark as the bare old web. I'd rather have a scrappy site that I made all my own than an interacte but bland corporate webpage. I'm also a coder, not a blogger. I don't like boring things. I want to be able to add as many crappy gifs as I want to each page on my site. I want to be able to make whatever I want on the web without having to spend a dime. So why wouldn't I choose Neocities? No shocker so many people are now living their best virtual selves through Neocities. So just jump in, and don't worry about your site being clean and perfect! Be as creative, as messy, as anything as you want! Neocities offers the ultimate online freedom, and you get to make it all your own. It's perfect. I hope you will make your own site, if you haven't already!